Wednesday, October 26, 2016

New Treasures of the Lost from Eververse - Festival of the Lost 2016

A new video was just uploaded to the official Destiny YouTube channel showcasing some new items available from Eververse. These new emotes and collectible items are themed to the annual Festival of the Lost event. Check out the video below!

Unfortunately, pretty much all of these items require Silver to obtain.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Destiny Now Has Private Matches!!!

Yep, that's right! Private matches, perhaps the most requested game feature in Destiny's history, are finally here!

The new private match system, accessible through the director allows you and your fireteam to play against each other. And of course, there's multiple options you can choose from when creating a match. You're free to select the game type, map, score and time limits, and can also choose whether Light factors into player damage. Here's the full list of options:

Game Types:
Zone Control
Inferno Clash
Inferno Rumble
Inferno Salvage
Inferno Skirmish
Mayhem Clash
Mayhem Rumble 

The Anomaly
Black Shield
Blind Watch
The Burning Shrine 
Cathedral of Dusk
The Cauldron
The Drifter
The Dungeons
Exodus Blue
Firebase Delphi
First Light
Rusted Lands
Shores of TIme
Thieve's Den
The Timekeeper
Twilight Gap
Widow's Court

While it is a bit sad to see that there aren't any more advanced options like modifying weapon ammunition, player health/shields, player speed, or even gravity like in the Halo franchise, it's still good nonetheless to see Private Matches added to Destiny. After all, more features can always come later, right?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Trials of Osiris - 9/2 (Plus special anouncement!)

Hello everyone! It's the weekend again which means Trials of Osiris is back. Think you're tough enough to journey to the Lighthouse?

This week, Trials of Osiris features a rotation of three maps. These include The Anomaly, The Burning Shrine, and Asylum

Before we get to the bounties, there's an announcement that applies to a majority players. After this weekend, Trials of Osiris will go on hiatus for PS4 and XB1 players in preparation for Rise of Iron. After the launch, Trials of Osiris will return once again on Friday September 30th. This means that this weekend is your last chance to get Year 2 rewards from Trials.

As One
Defeat 3 opposing Guardians while near at least one of your teammates.

Revive 5 teammates in the Trials of Osiris.

Trials Journeyman
Win 3 individual rounds in the Trials of Osiris.

Complete 5 Trials of Osiris matches or win 1 Trials match.

Valor's Reward
Earn 75 points in Trials by round wins (+3), losses (+1), and ties (+1). As a Trials Fireteam, defeat 3 opposing Guardians without anyone in your Fireteam dying.

His Eye Upon You
Complete Trials matches and defeat opposing Guardians. Fireteam members share progress. This bounty may be completed daily. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Trials of Osiris Return Delayed

A few weeks ago, Bungie announced through their weekly update that Trials of Osiris was scheduled to return on October 16th. Unfortunately, the most recent Weekly Update let slip that the return of Trials has been delayed, and with good reason. 

Some of you may have heard about the glitch a few weeks back that allowed Sunbreakers to throw near-infinite Hammers of Sol while their super was active. If you didn't hear about it, it's probably because Bungie was extremely quick to patch this glitch. Well, as it turns out, now there is a similar glitch, but this time around in works for Nightstalkers. 

This newly discovered glitch is apparently creating quite a lot of havoc in this week's Iron Banner. Bungie is aware of this glitch and also aware that players are understandably extremely frustrated by this new method of cheating. Since Trials is a much more competitive game mode, with an even larger emphasis on skill, gear, and team tactics, the presence of a glitch such as this would definitely ruin the integrity of the game mode. 

Because of this, Bungie has decided to delay the return of Trials until this glitch is patched. With the Sunbreaker glitch, Bungie was fairly quick in addressing it with a hot fix that followed a few days after a fix was announced. I would expect the same to happen here, so I would not be surprised if there was a patch to solve this issue on or before the Weekly Reset on Tuesday. 

However, since the Hard Mode version of the King's Fall raid releases next Friday (the 23rd) I would be surprised if Trials also returned on that day. So I'm not expecting to see the return of Trials until the 30th (which was the originally scheduled release date for HM King's Fall).

While it is disappointing that we'll have to wait another week or two to enjoy (and hate) Trials of Osiris, it's good to know that Bungie is on top of identifying and addressing problems with the state of the game.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Destiny Weekly Reset Activities - 10/6 - 10/12

Hello Guardians! 

Here's this week's activities:

Weekly Heroic
Get rewards from your first three strikes per week in the Weekly Heroic playlist, which will launch a random strike.

- Heroic: Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
- Fresh Troops: Some enemy squads have been fortified with additional reinforcements.

Petra's Bounties
Take the Wanted
WANTED: The Blighted Descendant. Mars or Venus. Fireteam recommended
"When the Vex feel the loss of a construct to the Blight... do they feel pain?" - Ikora Rey

Take Them Out
Kill 12 Consumed or named Fallen, Hive, Cabal, or Vex on Mars.
"Our observations indicate some measure of consciousness lives on in the most powerful Taken. Disgusting." - Ikora Rey

Take Them All
Kill 100 Taken.
"Once Taken, they are already dead. Their bodies just do not know it, yet. You are doing them a favor." - Zavala 

Prison of Elders
Level 32
Broken Legion -  Valus Trau'ug seeks to prove his might by crushing all who challenge him.

Level 34

Urrox's Grudge - The Flame Prince Urrox vows to burn the Light until all that remains is Darkness and bone.

Crucible Playlists
Mayhem Rumble
"How will you handle a battle like this I wonder?" - Lord Shaxx
Embrace the chaos. Greatly increased ability recharge rates. Faster Special Weapon and Heavy Ammo spawns. No respawn delay. Scoring values multiplied by 10.
- 6 player free for all
- Fireteam 1-3 Players
- Level Advantages Disabled

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Destiny and Xur: Looking Forward and Year 1 in Review

Hello Guardians! 

It's almost Friday again, which means that Xur is about to arrive. But, like many other things in Destiny, Xur was not immune to changes brought about by the launching of The Taken King. Since Bungie has tied many of the Exotics in TTK to various Quest lines, the list of things that Xur could possibly sell is quite small. So, Xur's inventory will now be handled drastically different.

Each week, Xur will no sell an Exotic Weapon OR an Exotic Engram, which can decrypt into any TTK Exotic armor piece. He'll also be selling a Legacy Engram, which will decrypt into Year 1 Exotics, with a high bias towards Exotics you don't already own, so you can complete your collection more quickly. 

So, before Xur comes for the first time in Year 2, let's take a look back at Year 1 to see some of Xur's milestones. Let's also take a look at what Exotic items Xur seemed to like the most!

Xur's First Visit
The first time that Xur popped up in the Tower with his face full of tentacles, nobody really new what to expect. Xur was undoubtedly the first place that many players saw Exotics in-game for the first time. So what did he bring those Guardians who were brave enough to approach Xur the first weekend of Destiny?

For Hunters, Xur sold the Mask of the Third Man exotic helmet. Both Warlocks and Titans could buy gauntlets, Sunbreakers and No Backup Plans, respectively. 

And Xur's first choice of weapon? The infamous Red Death. Xur would sell this again a few weeks later, which brought about the infamous few weeks where it seemed like literally everyone was using Red Death in the Crucible!

Hunter Exotics
In Year 1, Xur was generally pretty good to Hunters. The two Exotic armor pieces that he sold the most for Hunters were Achlyophage Symbiote and Crest of Alpha Lupi, which he sold eight times each. Both of these are top tier Exotics, so there's not much to complain about. For the other items, this is how the distribution worked out:
Celestial Nighthawk - 2
Don't Touch Me - 5 Khepri's Sting - 2 Knucklehead Radar - 5 Lucky Raspberry - 5 Mask of the Third Man - 5 Radiant Dance Machines* - 4 Young Ahamkara's Spine - 5

The Exotic that Xur sold the least for Hunters was Bones of Eao, which he only sold one time. This is a House of Wolves Exotic, so it wasn't in the loot table until May, but the fact that it has only been sold once since then makes it quite rare.

Warlock Exotics
Many Warlocks undoubtedly have a love-hate relationship with Xur, who seem to have gotten shortchanged perhaps more than any other class. The most common item ever sold by Xur is Voidfang Vestments, which was sold a record 10 times. In a period of 10 weeks, Xur sold this chest piece seven times, with streaks where he sold it twice and even three times back to back. As if that wasn't bad enough, Starfire Protocol was sold nine times, making it the second-most-sold item in Xur's inventory. 

Nothing Manacles and Purifier Robes were both sold one time each. Like with the Hunter, these are House of Wolves Exotics and weren't available until May. However, despite being sold once each, these are not the least sold Warlock items. The infamous helmet The Ram was never sold by Xur and is the only exotic in the game (besides the ones that have a standard way of obtaining them) that has earned that distinction. 

Overall stats:
Apotheosis Veil - 6
Claws of Ahamkara - 4
Heart of Praxic Fire - 3
Light Beyond Nemesis - 5
Nothing Manacles - 1
Obsidian Mind - 5
Purifier Robes - 1
Skull of Dire Ahamkara -  2
Starfire Protocol - 9
Sunbreakers - 7
The Ram - 0
Voidfang Vestments - 10 


Titan Exotics
Titan's probably have the most evenly-distributed list of Exotics in terms of how many times each was sold. The Armamentarium was the most sold Exotic at eight total, with Helm of Inmost Light close behind with seven. The rarest Titan armor piece was ACD/0 Feedback Fence, which again, was from the House of Wolves expansion.

Overall stats:
ACD/0 Feedback Fence - 1
An Insurmountable Skullfort - 5
Crest of Alpha Lupi - 4
Eternal Warrior** - 3
Helm of Inmost Light - 7
Helm of Saint-14 - 4
MK. 44 Stand Asides* - 6
No Backup Plans - 5
Peregrine Greaves** - 2
Ruin Wings* - 5
The Armamentarium - 8
The Glasshouse* - 3

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Destiny Crucible - Mayhem Review

As part of The Taken King Crucible preview event currently going on, Mayhem Clash is now a live game mode! Mayhem Clash, along with Rift and the rest of the preview playlists will continue until the Weekly Reset at 2 AM PST on Tuesday 9/15, at which point The Taken King will go live and anyone who hasn't purchased it will no longer be able to play these game modes. 

Mayhem Clash, as it sounds, is a hectic variant of the traditional Clash playlist. In this 6v6 playlist, Heavy ammo spawns far more frequently, and like in the early days of Destiny, when you kill someone who has Heavy ammo, you get to pick it up. But that's not what makes Mayhem special. What makes it special is that all ability cool downs - grenades, melees and even supers - are drastically reduced. This means that you will get your Super will charge much earlier and much more frequently. You shouldn't have a hard time at all getting your first super off within your first life, especially if you have a high intellect build.

After playing more than my fair share of Mayhem Clash yesterday and today, I think it's safe to say that it is an awesome game mode. Unlike Rift, which is objective-based and really not all that much fun without a few friends, Mayhem Clash is fun even while solo-queuing.  

Unlike Bungie's previous games from the Halo series, Destiny is really quite lacking when it comes to creative and, more importantly, fun game modes for multiplayer. In the Halo series, there were dozens of fun and just outright crazy game modes to choose from. Not only were these game modes a great chance of pace from tradtional game modes, but they were also a great way to blow off some steam and just relax. 

That's one reason why Mayhem Clash is so much fun. Yes, the game still keeps track of scores and yes there can be times where it's frustrating. But in general, Mayhem Clash is a lot more laid back and just a lot more fun and energetic than Destiny's other playlists. It's a great change of pace, and I hope sometime in the future that Bungie releases more game modes like this.

'So what are some tips for Mayhem Clash?' you might be wondering. Well, just from general observation, it seems as though the three dominant supers are Golden Gun, Fist of Havoc, and Nova Bomb. Not only do these supers have great range (in the case of GG and NB), but they also have tremendous and instantaneous stopping power. Arc Blade and Radiance, while they can be useful if you know what you're doing, especially when paired with other people of the same subclass, are at an inherent disadvantage because in general its just much harder to get a kill with these supers. It's very easy for an Arc Blader to get shut down as they're making their way over to their target to melee them. As for Defender, well, that's not useful at getting kills, but if you want to lay out some bait by spawning a bubble, then spamming Suppressor grenades and getting kills with weapons, it is a perfectly valid strategy. This can be pretty deadly and effective if you know what you're doing, but be warned, this is extremely annoying to other players so expect a dosage of teabagging, dancing, and hate mail.

Other than that, my only advice is to not take the game mode too seriously. Just sit back, relax, blow off some steam, and enjoy the Mayhem. 

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