Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Destiny: House of Wolves Expansion Wishlist - Crucible Gametypes

I love Destiny. I'd even venture to say that I enjoyed the Dark Below Expansion in December. That being said, there are things that I think could be improved in the vanilla Destiny game, mistakes that Dark Below made that need to be avoided, and just general things that I think would be cool.

With the House of Wolves Expansion on the horizon, I'd like to talk about some of these things. Some of the things I talk about will be small, some will be more large scale and grand. In either case, I highly doubt my words will have much of an effect, if any, on the actual outcome of the DLC. This is just me talking about what I'd like to see if I got my way. So without further ado, here we go!

I think many people would agree with me when I say that Destiny's version of PvP is somewhat (or severely) lacking in terms of gametypes. When it comes down to it, there is little variety, and the existing gametypes are pretty standard and basic. This isn't good at all, since a large portion, possibly even the majority of Destiny players have come from the Halo series, which had a great variety of gametypes to play.

The is perhaps made even worse because of Destiny's lack of custom games. Without custom games, we're unable to even attempt to compensate for the inherent lack of variety we are given. It's true that since Destiny's launch we have received Doubles Skimirsh and Inferno Control. But, both of these are only slight variations of already existing game types, and since neither one is permanent, they hardly add more to the table.

To begin to fix this problem, I would love to see a couple new game types with House of Wolves. And I don't mean slight variations of existing ones. We're rumored to be receiving Inferno/Hardcore variations of many if not all of the existing gametypes, so I think that department is well covered.

Objective gametypes are sorely missing from Destiny. We have Salvage, and while it is a good game type, it is only geared for small teams and is only here occasionally. Many people have asked for things like Capture the Flag, Assault or Territories. All of these would be great, and I would love to see them in Destiny. Any of these would be a nice change of pace, since all of the gametypes excluding Salvage emphasize kills above all else (though Control gets close).

One of the things that made Halo great were the obscure and unusual, yet still totally fun gametypes. These were usually things that were created by the community, but still. It would be great to have some of the whacky and crazy gametypes that many of us enjoyed in Halo.

Lastly, I would like to see a new original gametype that hasn't really been done before. Control does this in a sense, combining both elements of objective and deathmatch gametypes. To my knowledge, no such gametype has really been done before, and frankly, it feels uniquely "Destiny." If Bungie could accomplish making another gametype like this and make us rethink how we traditionally view competitive PvP, it would go a long way in making Destiny more interesting.

Well, that's all for this wishlist entry. Stay tuned for me, and feel free to leave your wishlist for gametypes in the comments!

And don't forget to follow on Twitter @DestCentralBlog

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